About us

​In the beginning
In September 2008 my husband had just brought home a new horse. His name is Sam and he is gorgeous. I rode him a little Saturday evening then went back out to ride Sunday morning. While we were getting used to each other, I received a phone call that my brother had been taken to the hospital about 100 miles away in critical condition and we needed to get there. My husband was on the tractor sowing wheat and while he was quickly finishing up I asked Mike (my husbands partner) if we should go ahead and get a steer into the chute that needed to be moved that day. This steer had been so crippled that he could hardly walk and certainly wasn't a threat. Well, at least that's what I thought. That decision would change my life.
As Mike and I are slowly working our way towards this steer that could barely walk he (the steer, not Mike) went crazy. It turned on Mike and chased him, then turned his sights on me. It took me a second to respond but I ran towards the fence. As I hit the bottom rung he hit me and Over the Fence I went. My husband saw it all from the tractor and said I cleared the six foot fence by two feet. When I landed I knew something was terribly wrong and that stupid steer was still trying to get to me. Needless to say I called him some bad names.
After an interesting trip to the hospital I found out that I had a crushed my tibial plateau and wasn't sure when or if I might walk again. After my wonderful surgeon (Dr. Reilly, Enid, OK) got done with me and I spent 4 months not walking at all, I am now doing very well. That time in a wheelchair definitely opened my eyes and gave me a chance to think about a lot of things. I realized I wanted to do something I truly loved and the thought of a career in food was born. It took more time and a lot more encouragement and finally my company deciding to leave town to push me over the edge but here I am. I am loving what I do and totally enjoying getting to know so many people. My husband and son are truly life savers and the rest of my family and friends are the best cheerleaders around.
Update------ Last Sunday, with encouragement from my family, I finally rode my horse again!!!!!! I was so afraid. Not of him, because he wasn't the problem. Just afraid I would fall off and hurt my leg somehow. But Sam was an angel and we did just fine. I am hoping to try again soon. Would love to get back some of my confidence where he and I could have fun again. He was a roping horse and loves to run. He has a beautiful, smooth gait and maybe one of these days I will have enough courage to try. Adam rides him beautifully and Sam enjoys playing again.
Well we did it. In July 2012 we were accepted into the Business Development Center at Autry Technology Center in Enid. It allows us to spend up to 3 years in the location to get started strong and have lots of encouragement and help from business people that have a lot more experience than us. Look out world here we come.
On a sad note, Sam (the horse) passed away this year and as you can imagine I was devastated. He was a good old soul and I hope he is chasing cattle in heaven.
Wow what a year! we just finished up the busy holiday season and are cleaning up so we can get going in 2014. Our goal was to be in 20 retail stores before the end of the year and we made it into over 35!! Internet sales have taken off and that is only the beginning. We will bring on several more products this year that I hope you will all be excited about.